Management Skills
Management / / 945 views
Management Skills is based on the premise that how you act in a business setting is often as important as what you know. Because management requires such a wide range of skills, all managers need to regularly assess their skill competency. Through self-assessment exercises and a learning journal, this course will encourage you to begin a process of self-evaluation that should continue throughout your career.
On successful completion of this course the learner will be able to:
- Use methods of self-reflection to evaluate personal performance and professional development
- Assess personal strengths, characteristics and skills that impact on workplace performance
- Design strategies to build on strengths and continue skill development
- Use skills to resolve real and case-study problems
- Constructively engage with classroom colleagues to understand, accommodate and manage individual differences
- Demonstrate your progress through the assignments developed by your tutor
Assessed by continuous assessment
- Type : Part Time
Contact Institute - University of Galway - Adult Learning